
Barbara Visser / Netherlands / 2023 / 82 min

In 2004, a urinal was voted the most influential work of modern art. Famous artist and provocateur Marcel Duchamp claimed to have made the Fountain—or rather, to have bought and signed a mass-produced product. But according to some, the lesser-known, flamboyant Dada artist Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven should be recognized for turning this much-discussed porcelain pisspot into art. Film-maker Visser tells the absurd story of this iconic work, with no certainty about whether the original still exists. A search for the truth and a reflection on what makes art art.



Year 2023
Production Country Netherlands
Runtime 82 Min.
FSK Not rated
Languages Dutch, German, English, French
Premiere Status German Premiere
Director Barbara Visser
Producer Monique Busman
Executive Producers Zelda Nieuwenhuis, Judith Reuten
Cinematography Joost van Herwijnen, Gregor Meerman
Editing Tim Roza
Sounddesign Jesse Enzler, Tijn Hazen, Meghan van der Meer