Greta Gerwig: Itinerary Of A Rising Star

Pierre-Paul Puljiz / France / 2024 / 52 min

Her film Barbie grossed grossed over a billion dollars, marking a high point in the career of Greta Gerwig, who has long been one of the world’s most successful directors. This film chronicles the director’s journey, focusing on her commitment to showcasing a feminist perspective in her work. She exposes sexist stereotypes and amplifies female voices that still go unheard all too often in film. The documentary follows her from the beginnings of her film-making career to her major successes.


Year 2024
Production Country France
Runtime 52 Min.
FSK Not rated
Language English
Premiere Status German Premiere
Director Pierre-Paul Puljiz
Producers Carole Chassaing, Anaïs Feuillette