
Clara Stella Hüneke / Germany / 2024 / 97 min

The three friends Jamila, Rachel, and Faseeha are part of Sisterqueens—a rap collective in the Berlin neighbourhood of Wedding. Guided by experienced female rappers, they find their own voices. Their lyrics address feminism, discrimination, and self-determination—issues that also shape their everyday lives. This film delves into their daily worlds over a period of three years. Amid rehearsals and early concerts, the friends challenge social norms and help each other to forge their own paths.


13.10. / City Kino Wedding


City Kino Wedding


Year 2024
Production Country Germany
Runtime 97 Min.
FSK Not rated
Language German
Premiere Status Berlin Premiere
Director Clara Stella Hüneke
Producer Franziska Gärtner
Editing Andreas Bothe
Sounddesign Vincent Egerter, Max Kersten, Thomas Rother, Johnna Roth