
Bridging Divides

12.10.24, 18:30 @ Festival Center D'24

Home and identity—how do they shape us, and how do we shape them? We will talk about how personal stories influence the way we see the world and help to break down prejudices. Tara Paighambari’s book Café of Freedom is a powerful example of how to find a sense of belonging. Afterwards, we will be showing Sisterqueens, a film about three young women who use their music to drive social change and find a voice for their generation.

Films in this event



10. Oct / 19:30 / Colosseum Filmtheater
12. Oct / 18:30 / Festival Center D'24
13. Oct / 20:30 / City Kino Wedding
The three friends Jamila, Rachel, and Faseeha are part of Sisterqueens, a Berlin-based rap collective. They challenge social norms, rap about feminism, discrimination, and self-determination, and help each other to forge their own paths.