
Beyond Progress

11.10.24, 18:30 @ Festival Center D'24

The climate crisis poses a global challenge. Where are the ethical boundaries of progress in a world marked by inequality? Together with filmmakers and experts, we will discuss how we can shape research to meet the needs of all people. Elias König’s book Klimagerechtigkeit offers a framework for this discussion. We will ask: How can we change our lifestyles and foster international solidarity to address the climate crisis? We will then screen Yintah, a powerful film that chronicles an Indigenous community’s fight against a destructive pipeline.

Films in this event



11. Oct / 18:30 / Festival Center D'24
14. Oct / 20:30 / Kant Kino
20. Oct / 21:00 / ACUDkino
In the Wet’suwet’en First Nation community, resistance to the construction of an underwater pipeline that jeopardizes the community’s livelihood has been growing. Activists Howilhkat Freda Huson and Sleydo’ Molly Wickham take us with them on their fight to reappropriate their homeland.