
Unveiling Nature’s Mysteries

13.10.24, 18:30 @ Festival Center D'24

The tension between the irrepressible urge to unlock nature’s secrets and the need to respect ethical boundaries will be the focus of this discussion. The book Die Salze der Erde by Kerstin Hoppenhaus shows how phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium are shaping our world and our future. The talk will be followed by a screening of the documentary Hidden Dance of Eels, about the reproductive behaviour of eels, which is still a mystery.

Films in this event


Hidden Dance of Eels

12. Oct / 17:30 / Kant Kino
13. Oct / 18:30 / Festival Center D'24
Where eels spawn and how exactly they reproduce is one of marine biology’s unsolved mysteries. A group of international scientists sets out to find the eels’ suspected birthplace. Can they learn enough about these endangered fish to save them?