
Music as a Lifeline

14.10.24, 18:30 @ Festival Center D'24

Singer-songwriter and author Roxanne de Bastion and Holocaust survivor Pepi Pérez will talk about how art and music have helped them through the most difficult times of their lives and what contribution they can make to remembrance. De Bastion’s book The Piano Player of Budapest tells the story of how her grandfather and his piano survived the Holocaust. The talk will be followed by the film Pepi Fandango, about Pepi Pérez’ life and his search to find the fandango, which he learned from Roma children in a concentration camp.

Films in this event


Pepi Fandango

14. Oct / 18:30 / Festival Center D'24
16. Oct / 21:00 / Sputnik Kino
20. Oct / 18:00 / Kant Kino
Viennese musician and Holocaust survivor Peter Pérez sets off with his best friend in search of the fandango, which he learned from Roma children in a concentration camp. An epic road movie that combines pain and the healing power of music.