Mozart’s Sister

René Féret / Australia / 2024 / 98 min

Like her brother, Maria Anna Mozart was a gifted pianist. Although the two child prodigies travelled through Europe together until they were teenagers and performed for royalty, Maria Anna has remained in the shadow of her famous brother. Upon reaching marriageable age, her career came to an end, as it was not considered proper for a woman to play before an audience. From then on, her father concentrated solely on promoting her younger brother. But she never lost her love of music. It is now thought that she played a greater role in Wolfgang Amadeus’ music than previously assumed.



Year 2024
Production Country Australia
Runtime 98 Min.
FSK Not rated
Language English
Premiere Status German Premiere
Director René Féret
Producers Fabienne Féret, René Féret
Cinematography Benjamín Echazarreta
Editing Fabienne Féret