Warm Film

Dragan Jovićević / Serbia / 2024 / 92 min

Two young actors receive an offer to play in a movie with gay love scenes. Torn between the desire for fame and the fear of being labelled, they begin to explore how this topic was portrayed throughout the history of Yugoslav (and post-Yugoslav) cinema. What did the presence of queers in cinema through the decades actually mean? A journey through the history of queer in a neighbouring cinema, from the perspective of growing nationalism and homophobia in today’s society



Year 2024
Production Country Serbia
Runtime 92 Min.
FSK Not rated
Language English
Subtitle English
Premiere Status No Premiere Status
Director Dragan Jovićević
Producers Dragan Jovićević, Nataša Pavlović, Predrag Azdejković
Editing Nataša Pavlović