A Thousand Cuts

Ramona Diaz / United States, Philippines / 2021 / 99 min

“A Thousand Cuts” takes you right into the centre of the fight for press freedom in the Philippines. The award-winning documentary follows renowned journalist Maria Ressa, who has become a central target in President Rodrigo Duterte's campaign against free media. In 2021, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her work. In the midst of a brutal drug war, disinformation campaigns and daily hostility, Maria Ressa fights to bring the truth to light. She risks a lot with her courageous stand for democratic values.


18.07. / Kant Kino
Sophie von Waitz
Expert, Reporter ohne Grenzen
Vivian Schröder
Moderation, The Good Media Network


Kant Kino
Sophie von Waitz
Expert, Reporter ohne Grenzen
Vivian Schröder
Moderation, The Good Media Network


Year 2021
Production Countries United States, Philippines
Runtime 99 Min.
FSK Not rated
Language English
Premiere Status Berlin Premiere
Director Ramona Diaz
Producers Ramona Diaz, Leah Marino
Executive Producers Laurene Powell Jobs, Davis Guggenheim, Jonathan Silberberg, Nicole Stott, Raney Aronson-Rath, David Cornfield, Linda Cornfield
Co-Producer Gabriel Goodenough
Cinematography Gabriel Goodenough, Jeffrey Johnson
Editing Leah Marino
Sounddesign Brad Engleking