Son of the Mullah

Nahid Persson / Sweden / 2023 / 100 min

“Son of the Mullah” portrays the Iranian journalist Ruhollah Zam. In exile in France, he risks his life daily to reveal the corruption of the Iranian regime. As the son of a high-ranking mullah, he was able to observe the intrigues of the Iranian government at close proximity from an early age. In 2009, he had to flee the country because of his regime-critical reporting. When he is tricked into an ambush in Iraq ten years later, he is once again closely confronted with the brutality of the government. A captivating docu-thriller about the fight for freedom of the press. 


18.07. / Documentation Centre
Nahid Persson
Gollaleh Ahmadi
Poltician, Alliance 90/The Greens


Documentation Centre
Nahid Persson
Gollaleh Ahmadi
Poltician, Alliance 90/The Greens


Year 2023
Production Country Sweden
Runtime 100 Min.
FSK 12
Languages Persian, English
Subtitle German
Premiere Status No Premiere Status
Director Nahid Persson
Producers Mónica Hernández Rejón, Setareh Lundgren
Cinematography Nahid Persson
Editing Rostam Persson
Sounddesign Natali Noor