Painting Dhaka

Lukas Zeilinger / Germany / 2023 / 91 min

For a long time, the markets of Dhaka have been world-famous for the pictures and videos taken by influencers with speeding trains in the background. But what does it mean to live next to the railway tracks? The fascination with trains of Berlin artist Lukas Zeilinger takes him to Bangladesh. When he witnesses the dramatic impact of the train traffic on the residents of the slum, he decides to make a change. He does what he does best: transforms the world into a colorful and socially critical artwork, teaching local children to express themselves through graffiti.


21.07. / Colosseum Filmtheater
Lukas Zeilinger
Anna Ramskogler-Witt
Moderation, The Good Media Network


Colosseum Filmtheater
Lukas Zeilinger
Anna Ramskogler-Witt
Moderation, The Good Media Network


Year 2023
Production Country Germany
Runtime 91 Min.
FSK 12
Languages German, Bengali, English
Subtitle German
Premiere Status No Premiere Status
Direcetor Lukas Zeilinger
Producers Lukas Zeilinger, Livia Matthes