Kreis der Wahrheit

Robert Hofferer / Austria / 2023 / 80 min

Viennese sisters Helga and Elisabeth survived the Shoah. At ages seven and fourteen, they were deported with their mother to Theresienstadt concentration camp. In interviews, they recount their harrowing childhood memories and vividly reconstruct the horrors of the Nazi regime. International artists and actors, including Iris Berben and Konstantin Wecker, translate their stories into contemporary art, creating a new dimension of remembrance.



Year 2023
Production Country Austria
Runtime 80 Min.
FSK 12
Language German
Subtitle English
Premiere Status No Premiere Status
Director Robert Hofferer
Producer Robert Hofferer
Co-Producers Hans-Georg Feldmeier, Simone Feldmeier, Georg Redlhammer
Cinematography Richard Bayerl
Editing Uul Schackl, Eva Reisch, Philipp Glaninger
Sounddesign Konstantin Wecker, Ina Rege, Philipp Glaninger