
Maja Tschumi / Switzerland, Iraq / 2024 / 94 min

In October 2019, Iraq sees the eruption of its largest protests since the war’s end. Khalili, a young film-maker, finds himself right in the middle of them and discovers that his camera is the most powerful weapon, capturing things he can barely put into words. Milo also takes part. As a woman, she faces many restrictions and dangers, eventually finding the freedom she has long sought by wearing her brother's clothes. She attends the protests dressed as a boy. Both protagonists are members of a generation that grew up surrounded by war and is now increasingly calling for freedom.



Year 2024
Production Countries Switzerland, Iraq
Runtime 94 Min.
FSK Not rated
Language Arabic
Subtitle English
Premiere Status No Premiere Status
Director Maja Tschumi
Producer Nadine Lüchinger
Cinematography Mohammed Al Khalili, Silvio Gerber
Editing Alex Bakri
Sounddesign Kurt Human, Manouk Roussyalian