The Hexagonal Hive and a Mouse in a Maze

Bartek Dziadosz, Tilda Swinton / United Kingdom / 2024 / 93 min

The two directors Bartek Dziadosz and Tilda Swinton travel the world to understand what it means to learn. In the United Kingdom, Bangladesh, West Africa, and North America, they encounter diverse forms of knowledge. Scientists, philosophers, farmers, and children share their individual approaches to learning, showing us how they enjoy exploring new subjects. A film about dancing and learning, and, above all, a plea for curiosity.


Year 2024
Production Country United Kingdom
Runtime 93 Min.
FSK Not rated
Languages English, Bengali
Premiere Status German Premiere
Directors Bartek Dziadosz, Tilda Swinton
Producers Lily Ford, Vijay Vaidyanathan
Executive Producers Colin MacCabe, Ahsan Akbar, Adam Bartos
Cinematography Bartek Dziadosz
Editing Bartek Dziadosz
Sounddesign Simon Fisher Turner