The Click Trap

Peter Porta / Spain, France / 2024 / 90 min

They have our data—and use it. Advertising algorithms are now curating content based on our precise preferences, age, and relationship status. Major technology companies are reaping huge revenues from this. But it’s not just advertising that’s helping business: the dissemination of disinformation and hate is also very lucrative for tech and social media companies—and extremely dangerous for democracies. But where is the line between digital marketing and dangerous propaganda?



Year 2024
Production Countries Spain, France
Runtime 90 Min.
FSK Not rated
Languages English, French
Premiere Status German Premiere
Director Peter Porta
Executive Producers Carles Brugueras, Marieke van den Bersselaar, Fabrice Estève
Cinematography Jordi Esgleas, J.J Guillermo, Óscar Roca Dacal
Editing Aurora Sulli, Peter Porta
Sounddesign Stella Facchini