Bella Ciao

Giulia Giappoonesi / Italy / 2022 / 92 min

Do you know the story behind the world's most famous protest song? "Bella Ciao" may have gained worldwide fame through the Netflix series "House of Money", but the documentary "Bella Ciao" digs deeper and tells the whole fascinating story behind the antifascist anthem. The many different versions of the song are historical testimonies to cultural and political changes. With exclusive music rights and interviews with influential personalities from the past and present, a comprehensive picture of this revolutionary song emerges.


Year 2022
Production Country Italy
Runtime 92 Min.
FSK Not rated
Languages Italian, Turkish, Arabic, Spanish, English
Subtitle English
Premiere Status Berlin Premiere
Director Giulia Giappoonesi
Producers Carlo Degli Esposti, Nicola Serra
Executive Producers Andrea Romeo, Antonio Badalamenti
Co-Producers Fabrizio Zappi, Chiara Sbarigia
Cinematography Gianluca Ceresoli
Editing Francesca Sofia Allegra