
Early-Bird-Passes now available!

Dive into Berlin's new non-fiction festival! Join us from October 10-20 and secure your limited early bird pass.  


Opening Film'24 Announced

Clara Stella Hüneke's documentary SISTERQUEENS will be the opening film on 10 October. First programme highlights published. Ticket sales start on 28 August.  

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Our Event Passes

Early Bird Festival

Regular: 72,00 €

Reduced: 64,00 €

Enjoy unlimited access to all public events and available streams. Plus, receive one of our amazing Dokumentale T-Shirts.

Early Bird Select 5

Regular: 40,00 €

Reduced: 31,00 €

Attend 5 events and stream 5 films of your choice.

All prices quoted are total prices including VAT.
* Reduced price for students, volunteers, trainees, unemployed people, disability ID card holders and interns.